Spiritual warfare is often considered an uncomfortable topic and is complicated with a plurality of views on its significance and level of influence in our lives. It has been my experience that most Christian teaching and preaching glosses over the intricacies of spiritual warfare. This is unfortunate because it's a very real and necessary consideration for all born-again believers trying to walk and grow in faith. It's essential information and training for our spiritual journey. Getting saved is just the beginning of that marvelous journey. We definitely are not to fear the adversary, but the Body of Christ grossly underestimates the adversarial impact. Being born-again does not eliminate the enemy from your life. Even under the covering of Christ wicked entities can deceive, harass and oppress you although they cannot inhabit you. Humans have been constantly manipulated starting in the Garden of Eden to this very day. Manipulated in such a manner that we are often clueless to see know just how pervasive.
The initial salvation experience is the entry through the strait gate (tight entrance) but going down the narrow way (difficult road) continues for the rest of our lives. It is in living out our Christian faith we experience spiritual attacks by the enemy from without and spiritual conflicts from within. Born again Christians should be able to identify and deal with these spiritual forces that can inundate us in this fallen world. It is spiritual wisdom to be aware of the devious methods or blatant chaos from our spiritual nemesis. Saints should know how the principalities attack, tempt people and operate on the planet as an unnoticed but dominant force. The best thing for the opposition is for people not to believe it exists or think it has no degree of power. These spirits are running rampant in the world and within the world's church system so why would we not be ever vigilant and ready to do battle on behalf of God's Kingdom. In dealing with this disconcerting reality, we are scripturally taught to act in warlike fashion. Saints must become spiritual soldiers.
Spiritual Warfare Breakdown
Know Your Enemy
Practicle Christian Living
Finally, be strong in the Lord and in His mighty power. Put on the full armor of God, so that you can make your stand against the devil’s schemes. For our struggle is not against flesh and blood, but against the rulers, against the authorities, against the powers of this world’s darkness, and against the spiritual forces of evil in the heavenly realms.
Therefore, take up the full armor of God, so that when the day of evil comes, you will be able to stand your ground, and having done everything, to stand. Ephesians 6:10-13 (BSB)
It is my opinion that the spirit realm's dark forces and the impact it wields on this world and our individual lives is sorely underestimated and frequently understated by modern Christendom. Most of us fail to credit the whys and how come of humanity's unrighteous chaos to a devilish spiritual influence. We downplay our own personal struggles as we try to live in a manner glorifying God. Some believers think their salvation makes them immune to sinful temptations and the enemy's devious influence. Yet, all one has to do is read Scripture to understand the era in that thinking. In Matthew 4 we see the enemy trying to tempt Jesus Christ. The adversary did not succeed, yet it makes a point that if he would try to tempt the anointed and perfect Son of God, he will certainly wield temptation on those of us in the Body of Christ no matter how holy and sanctified we think we are.
look around you at this world and honestly look within yourself and it should become clear we have to battle such active and determined principalities with an agenda to separate us from our God and Savior's Grace and Mercy. Humankind is contaminated with pride, disobedience and carnality. Only through the Divine Power of Christ's Sacrifice and Resurrection can there be victory for our salvation and subsequent spiritual battles.
Hollywood has very much made the spiritual world appear to be some spooky fictitious nonsense. The supernatural has been reduced to entertaining movies and television shows depicting everything from vampires that fall in love, zombies taking over the world and a wise cracking, cigar smoking devil. Is it any wonder it's difficult for believers to put a finger on the real supernatural and spirit world. We've been brainwashed by media's false depictions. But to understand the Truth of the matter one need look no further than the Scriptures in the Holy Bible.
While we look not at the things which are seen, but at the things which are not seen: for the things which are seen are temporal; but the things which are not seen are eternal. 2 Corinthians 4:18 (KJV)
Now faith is the substance of things hoped for, the evidence of things not seen. Hebrews 11:1 (KJV)
Who or what are we fighting? We are fighting against powers and principalities in the heavenlies and rulers of the darkness of this world. We are fighting against the unseen but not the unknown. Too be more precise, we fight against invisible enemies of the spirit realm, evil manifestations called unclean spirits, demons or devils. These adversarial entities can touch each and every aspect of our lives as well as affect the cultural landscape of the world around us.
The presence of an unseen realm is scriptural. Throughout the Holy Bible the spirit realm is clearly demonstrated as an actual existence connected to what happens in our time-constrained natural world. When studying Scripture, one quickly comes to a startling realization that there is more than what we see around us. From the Bible we begin envisioning the spirit world and understanding how that realm impacts our natural realm. That gives an entirely different and more accurate perspective on our present lives. Comprehending the unseen but very real enemy is essential to living a genuinely productive Christian life whether dealing with conflicts of our own personal walks or navigating through this fallen ungodly environment.
Be sober-minded; watch. Your adversary the devil prowls about as a roaring lion seeking whom to devour, 1 Peter 5:8 (BLB)
The thief comes only that he might steal and might kill and might destroy. I came that they may have life and may have it abundantly. John 10:10 (BLB)
The end goal of all saints is to spend eternity with our Most High Father God and Savior Son. Defeating death (separation from God) and enjoying everlasting life in a glorious environment with none of the misery and heartache of this present world. Unfortunately, there are forces set against us achieving our desired destiny. Forces that work constantly with much success in frustrating our spiritual journeys.
And having summoned His twelve disciples, He gave to them authority over unclean spirits, so as to cast them out and to heal every disease and every sickness. Matthew 10:1 (BLB)
“Don’t hide behind the Word of God. Faith is the shield, the Word of God is the sword. The sword isn’t used to defend you, it’s used to attack.” Derek Prince
The major battlefield for our salvation is the mind. The mind is the soul of mankind, and the soul is what the adversary wants to control in all of humanity including disciples of Christ Jesus. It's in our minds the enemy whispers his temptations and ideas to deliberately thwart our Christian character or walk.
You will be hated by everyone because of my name, but the one who endures to the end will be saved. Mark 13:13 (CSB)
I have fought the good fight, I have finished the race, I have kept the faith. 2 Timothy 4:7 (CSB)
A disciple of Christ Jesus is automatically conscripted into the Divine Army because of the born-again spiritual status. Saints become soldiers, opposing the forces of sin and evil. Those in the True Church of Christ Jesus are draftees of the Lord's army in a spiritual conflict, God vs the devil or, in a more secular term, good versus evil. Standing on our faith, embarking on the journey toward eternal life can be a struggle of sorts. Being among the anointed troops of the Lord we must stand immovable even in our own personal struggles. We are participants in God's Kingdom Armed Forces fighting this longstanding cosmic war. The ultimate challenge and desired end in any war is accomplishing the main objective with those fighting surviving.
For the Body of Christ, the struggle is ongoing; the battles continue as long as we live in this fallen natural world. The goal is to endure. Through the highs and lows, the good and the bad we are to spiritually hang on and grow in faith as we navigate through all circumstances. We do not have to try and win the war. Our Redeemer has secured the ultimate victory by His Sacrifice on the tree at Calvary and His resurrection. We need to just fight our personal battles and, by whatever way we are called, continue to advance the Gospel and serve in God's Kingdom. With spiritual weapons we fight and in faith we endure until the end; the end of our natural lives or the end of this world's age when Messiah returns, whichever comes first.
For though we walk in the flesh, we do not war after the flesh: (For the weapons of our warfare are not carnal, but mighty through God to the pulling down of strong holds;) Casting down imaginations, and every high thing that exalteth itself against the knowledge of God, and bringing into captivity every thought to the obedience of Christ; And having in a readiness to revenge all disobedience, when your obedience is fulfilled.
2 Corinthians 10:3-6 (KJV)
Any effective fighting against the enemy; any meaningful spiritual push back from those of us in the Body of Christ comes from the Power of God and not of ourselves. Our Creator and Savior is Omnipotent, all Powerful and we have access to that power through Christ Jesus. It is because of the God in us that we defeat our spiritual foes. The Creator God and Redeeming Son, equips saints with the ability to thwart the powers of sin, darkness and death by Power from on High.
Spiritual warfare, is it something we, in the family of faith really need to be concerned about? What actually is spiritual warfare, and why should born-again-believers be concerned with it? Yes, scripture speaks of it but what importance does that subject have in light of my personal salvation? Why worry about spiritual warfare when I should be focusing on the Gospel and my relationship with God? Besides, Christ Jesus taught peace and spread godly nonviolent principals of love not warfare. These questions and others have often been reactions to any in-depth study on spiritual warfare. So, let’s examine this biblical doctrine by way of the journalistic five Ws—and the H.
WHO: The first thing to do in a war is identify the enemy, who are you fighting. Scripture tells us the enemy of Yahweh’s Kingdom is satan. From Genesis to Revelation the adversary of the Most High Creator is identified as a spiritual being called the serpent, the devil, lucifer and satan. Envious of God’s position and power the once beautiful and highly gifted angel became the leader of a heavenly insurrection. As a result, he and his followers were thrown down and no longer allowed to reside in God’s presence. Satan and his cronies are not just at odds with Father God, but totally against Christ Jesus and mankind. In the garden of Eden, he cunningly instigated the fall of humankind and has wreaked havoc on the planet and in the lives of people ever since. His pride and arrogance started a war along with his fallen angels against Yahweh’s Sovereign Rule of His Devine Kingdom. So, the short answer is; we are fighting the spiritual enemies of both God and man in all its manifestations, the world, the devil and the flesh.
WHAT: The next important military approach is to know your target area and goal. What exactly are you trying to accomplish in the short and long term? What actions of the enemy are the main oppositions to your objective? A born-again believer’s short-term objective should be to live lives that honor God and serve in whatever way we are called to serve; ultimately fulfilling our divine purpose in this life. To stand for the Truth of the Gospel and actively oppose the world’s unrighteousness. To boldly carry the banner of Salvation by God’s Grace and Mercy through Christ Jesus. The long-term goal, of course, is eternal life with God. Christ said the thief comes to kill, steal and destroy.[1] I think that means the enemy wants to spiritually and physically kill the children of God; thereby condemning our eternal souls to the wages of sin which is death. Death in this sense is eternal separation from our God and Savior which would be a dreadfully terrible thing however it plays out. Our adversary also wants to steal our hope and joy in the Lord; that we should be so physically and/or mentally stressed, downtrodden or frustrated until we lose and eventually abandon our faith. If those strategies are not viable or successfully executed, plotting against our individual callings could follow. Getting derailed from our proper path serving the Divine Kingdom of God might be the next destructive move. Everything we are called by God to do has a spiritually beneficial effect for the Kingdom. Thwarting our callings or destroying our purpose would be the adversary’s evil goal.
Where: Wars consist of various battles sometimes fought in different locations. The spiritual war started in the heavenlies and filtered down to this world encompassing everything in between. Scriptures gives us a peek of this heavenly mutiny: basically, tells us things happening on this earth and in the heavens are connected. The spirit realm and natural realm affect one another. Verily I say unto you, Whatsoever ye bind on earth, shall be bound in heaven: and whatsoever ye loose on earth, shall be loosed in heaven. Mathew 18:18 (GNV) This world, the planet earth, is the designated battleground for all born again disciples of Christ although we spiritually have access to the heavenlies through prayer. This world is our domain and where the enemy attacks us. We oppose our spiritual adversary in this life on this territory.
When: This is easy to answer since we fight the enemy when we are confronted and even when we are not. The spiritual conflict is continuous against Yahweh’s Authority and Power. It started when an arrogant and prideful created being, Lucifer, wanted to usurp the position and power of his Creator. We humans suffer being collateral damage in this spiritual fray because of Eve and Adam’s disobedience to God which placed all humanity in the conflict. We continuously oppose the forces of sin and evil both passively and aggressively. We are always fighting the adversary in some way or another. This occurs in how we live obedient to God under the sacrificial covering of the resurrected Savior. God’s Grace and Mercy upon us with our purposed allegiance and obedience are strategically passive oppositions against the enemy. When we are personally attacked, be it spiritually or physically we also fight in the Power of God with prayer and worship. We use spiritual weapons countering the adversaries of our souls because mankind is unable to successfully battle the spiritual through the carnal.
Why: Why do we fight? We fight for the furtherance of the Gospel to enlarge the Kingdom of God and maintain our own spiritual wellbeing so we can endure to the end. If we don't resist and fight, we fall into sin or at the least we allow sin to flourish around us. We fight because God's adversaries are our adversaries, and we are willing soldiers for the cause of righteousness.
How: Through Divine Power we war against the enemy of the Most High God and our human souls. The method of warfare is spiritual not of the flesh or with weaponry made by man. The boundless Power of God is garnered for our benefit to overcome the world, the flesh and the devil. We fight opposing forces with our prayers and with Scripture, with praise and with worship of the One True Creator and Savior. In the book of Matthew, chapter 4, Christ Jesus quotes Scripture to the enemy who was trying to tempt Him. Eventually satan gave up and left Him alone and will do the same with us...at least for a while. The Word of God and earnest prayers along with our faith are effective weapons in this spiritual battle.